About Us

Alliance for Constructive Ethnic Studies (ACES) is a nonpartisan, grassroots coalition consisting of over 10,000 parents, teachers, grandparents, and other community members who work together to support a constructive approach to ethnic studies curricula. We are Black, Asian, Latino, Caucasian. We span the spectrum of political affiliations. The immigrants among us come from all over the world.

ACES is a registered nonprofit with 501(c)(3) status.

Our leadership are all unpaid volunteers. We donate our time and money because we are committed to our mission to remove narrow ideological agendas from Ethnic Studies, enabling curricula that inspire mutual respect, fight racism, and celebrate ethnic accomplishments.

We believe that Ethnic Studies should:

  • Empower students to dream big, overcome challenges, and be motivated, engaged community members

  • Build mutual respect, self-confidence, awareness, intergroup understanding and empathy

  • Elevate ethnic groups, their backgrounds, and contributions without denigrating others

  • Openly and honestly address racism and discriminatory treatment

  • Present a range of political perspectives and approaches to bringing about change, including strengths and weaknesses of each

  • Equip students with the skills to understand and analyze multiple points of view on relevant topics, so that they can develop their own opinions and present well-articulated, evidence-based arguments