“Coming from vastly different racial, ethnic and political backgrounds, our growing coalition is united by our common values and shared identity as Americans. “

-Philanthropy Roundtable | Dr. Wenyuan Wu | A Diverse Bipartisan Effort Against California’s Divisive Critical Ethnic Studies Curriculum

“This is a curriculum that magnifies differences, encourages tribal loyalties and advances ideological groupthink.”

The New York Times | Bret Stephens | California’s Ethnic Studies Follies

“If America’s traditional ‘narratives’ are designed to encourage social mobility and prosperity, California’s proposed Marxist narratives are designed to encourage intergroup conflict and perpetual upheaval in existing institutions. That’s explicit in sample assignments, such as drafting a ‘manifesto’ of demands for the Third World Liberation Front…”

Wall Street Journal | The Editorial Board | California’s Ethnic Studies Mandate

“The first version of the curriculum [a Critical/Liberated Ethnic Studies approach] ... was antisemitic and anti-Israel. ...It seemed written to inculcate certain biases and left almost no room for students to think for themselves." | "That kind of instruction was unfortunately prevalent throughout the first model curriculum — a tendency to indoctrinate and divide rather than to encourage students to question, think, research and form their own informed opinions." | "... many of those who objected were liberals and moderates."

- Los Angeles Times | Editorial Board | California’s latest ethnic studies bill is not quite ready for prime time

…when we look at teacher trainings that are happening here in California, we actually have PowerPoints where there's a diagram, where private property genocide, religion and racism are all circles, equivalent circles around imperialism. And educators are told in this training, that although the Marxist ideology might scare people away, educators have to be quote, grounded in the correct politics to educate students.

- Hemmer Time Podcast | Why CRT Doesn’t Belong in Public School

“Constructive ethnic studies does not put students in the middle of a left-wing versus right-wing tug-of-war,” Shufutinsky said. “Racism and discrimination are approached. However, students are not held responsible for the sins of their foremothers and forefathers.”

Los Angeles Times | O.C. Ed Board forum panelists warn of dangers they see in teaching critical race theory in schools

"...if the vast majority of Californians and Americans knew about this, and about the content of this type of curriculum, this would not be happening."

Politico | ‘People are Scared’: Democrats Lose Ground on School Equity Plans

“Addressing racism and discrimination are important parts of the constructive approach, but student identity is not limited to 'victim' or 'oppressor.'“

ACES Press Release July 27, 2021

“Instead of ensuring that students learn how to critically analyze opposing viewpoints and make informed decisions, the CDE has determined that the only way to teach our children ethnic studies is to indoctrinate them into this victim/oppressor model. The state is wasting this opportunity to increase understanding and empathy among various ethnic groups, instead remaining tone-deaf to heartfelt concerns raised by students, teachers, parents and community members.”

Orange County Register | Larry Sand and Lia Rensin | California’s draft ethnic studies curriculum still isn’t right

This teacher is talking with me because he is alarmed by the toll this ideology is taking on his students. ‘I started seeing what was happening to the kids. And that’s what I couldn’t take. They are being educated in resentment and fear. It’s extremely dangerous.’”

City Journal | Bari Weiss | The Miseducation of America’s Elites

“Those who sell critical ethnic studies and its cousin, critical race theory, are using the capitalist model, which they criticize, quite well in their own enterprises and organizations. The San Mateo school district has hired an education consulting business to offer two-hour online webinars at $350 per participant… The toolkit [given to participants] notes that the concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false… welcome to the world of ethnomathematics.”

Stanford Hoover Institution | Professor Lee Ohanian | The Capitalists Who Sell Ethnic Studies

“The current form of ethnic studies in California, the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC), stokes racial divisions and animosity by subjugating our society to a binary, race-based lens and by perverting our nation’s complex history with a narrow framework of identity politics. Racial balkanization, the toxic practice of separating individuals into hostile racial boxes, has fueled this paradigm.”

Mind the Campus | Dr. Wenyuan Wu

Should I Get Canceled for Telling the Emperor He Has No Clothes On?

“The debate over a radical curriculum of ‘ethnic studies’ in high schools reveals the growing influence of ‘critical race theory’ in California and elsewhere. Several American schools are already encouraging students to analyze everything through an identity prism and to divide the world between oppressors and victims. Which raises protests... including in the progressive camp.”

Marianne | Claire Levenson

In California, "Ethnic Studies” is trying to gain a foothold in schools (Click for translated PDF)

“The focus of the curriculum on critical ethnic studies has prevented the creation of what could be a rich and rewarding curriculum celebrating the heritages and histories of all, and which could have facilitated the academic journeys of underrepresented minorities within the state’s school system.”

Stanford Hoover Institution | Professor Lee Ohanian

Ethnic Studies Curriculum Promotes Divisiveness and Indoctrination

“Sadly, the ESMC is doing just what it claims to be undoing: erasing and overlooking individuals and communities by upholding guiding principles and a framework that excludes marginalized voices and centers Whiteness. [Critical Ethnic Studies] erroneously centers Whiteness into all conversations about non-Whites. Although White supremacy is a pivotal problem, this hyper-focus curriculum dominates the conversations and ignores the celebration of non-White experiences and contributions that are not rooted in actions of White people.”

Orange County Register | Brandy Shufutinsky

Ethnic studies should be honest and balanced, not ideological and divisive

"The result of orienting the curriculum from a critical race theory perspective is being locked into the past with a poor understanding of how identity is actually constructed and reconstructed, especially in a dramatically changing social context as well as for the large number of immigrants who do not understand this configuration of racial identity."

– Times of San Diego | Joe Nalven PhD

Opinion: The Struggle to Produce an Ethnic Studies Curriculum in Multiracial California

“We must understand the dark to appreciate the light, but to see only darkness is to be blind. The Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum will leave blind future generations unless it is profoundly changed."

- Orange County Register | Murray Bessette

California schools should tell the whole American story

"This is indoctrination, not fact-based education which aims to give students the knowledge and tools to come to their own conclusions."

- CalMatters | Professor Al Sokolow and Tony Tanke

4 forms of bias to avoid in designing ethnic studies for high schools

"Here’s the formula for an improved ethnic-studies curriculum: Get rid of the anti-capitalist ideology. Ditch the anti-Semitism, hidden and overt. Make ethnic studies classes a place for learning, not training agitators."

- The Press-Enterprise | Williamson Evers

How Gov. Newsom’s veto of ethnic studies requirement happened

"Instead of a dynamic, imperfect, pluralistic republic with common ideals, students would be taught to see their country as an organized conspiracy against victim groups."

-Wall Street Journal | The Editorial Board

Hope for California’s Schools: Gavin Newsom vetoes a K-12 curriculum in Marxist indoctrination

We still have profound concern with how the materials characterize – actually, mischaracterize – capitalism and the role of free markets in our society and democracy … the critiques of capitalism range from ignorant to offensive."

- California Chamber of Commerce

California Chamber of Commerce writes letter to the Instructional Quality Commission

“This is ugly stuff, a force-feeding to teenagers of the anti-liberal theories that have been percolating in campus critical studies departments for decades… And responsible statesmen in Sacramento ought to stop it … ”

- Wall Street Journal | Editorial Board

California’s Radical Indoctrination: A bill would establish a K-12 curriculum in the ‘four I’s of oppression.’

"Unfortunately, this language could also be very easily used to justify exploiting schools to promote the types of divisive and hateful political agendas that were criticized in the first draft, including antisemitism."

- Times of San Diego | Mark Powell

Opinion: California’s New Ethnic Studies Curriculum Leaves Many Cultures Out

“This curriculum feels like it is more about imposing predigested political views on students than about widening their perspectives … It talks about critical thinking but usually offers one side and one side only … The model curriculum lists capitalism with white supremacy and racism as ‘forms of power and oppression.’”

- Los Angeles Times | Editorial Board

Editorial: California’s proposed new ethnic studies curriculum is jargon-filled and all-too-PC