A warped, politicized, Antisemitic curriculum has begun officially seeping into classrooms throughout California and the rest of the country. We need to tell leaders that this poisoning of students’ minds needs to stop.

Initial, politicized drafts of CA’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) were rejected (thanks to many of you!) due to bias, bigotry, and discrimination. But districts choose their own curricula, and the very drafters of that toxic, biased content are now peddling to schools a toxic, biased curriculum. Those authors formed the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Coalition (LESMCC) explicitly to preserve the controversial material and ideological agenda rejected from the ESMC. 

This image (pencil on top of a rifle) is the book cover of the seminal pedagogical text for the “liberated” curriculum propagating through US schools. [Textbook: Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed]

We believe our children’s education should not be used as a weapon.

Local school districts across the country are now being persuaded to hire the the LESMCC (at the rate of $1720 per hour). For instance, the Castro Valley Unified School District recently approved a contract with the LESMCC to develop curriculum and train teachers in their biased, ideological approach. The school districts are (sometimes unwittingly) approving a curriculum that glorifies revolution and violence, divides students into victims and oppressors, dismisses non-violent leaders, and promotes antisemitism

This image (pencil on top of a rifle) is the book cover of the seminal pedagogical text for the “liberated” curriculum propagating through US schools. [Textbook: Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed]

We believe our children’s education should not be used as a weapon.

Of note, the LESMCC leaders know that their perversion of Ethnic Studies would be opposed if people saw all the material, so they advise that teachers “fly under the radar” of administration and “shut their doors and teach their students liberatory curriculum.” (Demonstrating the ideological nature of the curriculum, the “Liberated” draft of the ESMC dismissed seminal civil rights leaders, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis, as “passive” and “docile” and omitted them from a list of 154 role models of color.)

The impact of such curricula is far-reaching, as districts are advised by the State Board of Education to integrate Ethnic Studies into every subject and every grade. With California leading the way for related curricula across the US, the time to act is now.

$55 million state funds have been allocated for implementing Ethnic Studies, but the type of Ethnic Studies is not specified. Students deserve Constructive Ethnic Studies curricula that build understanding, inspire mutual respect, confront racism, and celebrate ethnic accomplishments.

Then forward to as many people as possible throughout the U.S. – this affects every single one of us. And don't forget to post on your social media!

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