Keep Teachers' Politics Out of Classrooms
Over the past several months, we have observed a troubling trend: a growing number of extremists in our educational system are pushing their personal political agendas onto students.
When rogue teachers violate California Education Codes and District Board Policies to indoctrinate students with their own political opinions, students are unable to discern opinion from fact, safely voice opposing opinions, or participate in a secure, welcoming classroom environment. We need your help to keep extremism out of the classroom.
We are constantly hearing from parents and students that multiple viewpoints are not being presented, and because of the blatant bias they’re seeing, students are now afraid to raise these any alternate viewpoints themselves in class. Students are reporting that they have been forced to re-write opinion pieces in class if they disagree with the teacher’s opinion. Students have been made so uncomfortable with teachers’ political activism that they have attempted to leave classrooms. Indoctrinating lessons on the Gaza war, laced with pro-Hamas propaganda, are becoming pervasive.
In the face of these increasing violations, we must take action:
Add your name to this ACES letter, which will be sent to all California district superintendents and board members, asking them to take steps to keep politicized, inaccurate information out of the classroom. You don’t have to be a parent to sign the letter. Please forward to any California residents who share these concerns.
Report any politically charged curriculum that you discover by submitting a Uniform Complaint Form (UCP). Each district has its own form and can be found on your district’s website by searching for “Uniform Complaint Form.” Examples of incidents to report include: inappropriate comments by teachers, political flags, political slogans on posters/flyers in school halls or classrooms, or politicized content in actual lessons. Filling out the UCP can be done anonymously, and we can help. Please reach out to us at with questions.
The above actions help not only your own student, but are important in the long term for all students. Thank you for your crucial efforts in keeping hate out of classrooms.
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