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Extremism is Poisoning California’s Ethnic Studies

Ethnic Studies should build bridges of understanding, celebrate the accomplishments of ethnic groups, confront racism and other hatred, and expose students to multiple perspectives

But some school districts are unwittingly adopting rogue curricula that do the opposite, in the form of a politicized brand called “Liberated” Ethnic Studies. Liberated activists are pushing their agenda and selling their radicalized curricula and training to unsuspecting districts, using material that was rejected by the State Board of Education.

How could this happen?

Liberated Ethnic Studies was developed by activists and their followers who wrote the rejected draft of California's Ethnic Studies Model Curricula. Governor Gavin Newsom was so alarmed by this draft that he stated it should "never see the light of day.”

Unfortunately, the same activists are now promoting the rejected materials to districts, and some schools are falling prey to their efforts. Parents, community members and educators are often shocked when they discover what is creeping into the classroom. Several lawsuits have already been filed across the state, with more pending.

Concerned about these rogue curricula, Governor Newsom and the State Board of Education recently issued a letter referring to Assembly Bill 101, the law requiring Ethnic Studies and specifying that rejected content should not be used in Ethnic Studies courses. The letter warned that some vendors are promoting inappropriate materials and encouraged districts to ensure that they align with legislative and State Board of Education guidance.

The below chart summarizes the differences between effective K-12 Ethnic Studies and the politicized, “Liberated” version. Click here to print the below chart.

“Liberated Ethnic Studies is what happens when education devolves into indoctrination, rendering the goal not the search for truth or the cultivation of critical thinking, but the call to revolution and the glorification of hatred.”

Dr. Erec Smith, President, Free Black Thought

Comparison Table

“I witnessed first-hand the effects of this [Liberated] type of curricula. After only weeks, I saw more clique-ish behavior, definitely more polarization, heightened verbal aggression, and even bullying.”

— 9th Grade Ethnic Studies Teacher, Northern California (Name withheld due to fear of retribution)

“I write this letter to you with great dismay, and great concern for the perversion of history that is being perpetrated by the [Liberated-based ESMC]. If this [model curricula] is approved, it will inflict great harm on millions of students in our state.”

— Dr. Clarence Jones, Speechwriter, Legal Counsel, and Advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“If your child’s school is employing the Liberated/Critical Ethnic Studies model, the resulting curricula is likely to focus on radical political activism.”

— Journal of Free Black Thought

Beware of Toxic Curricula: Liberated Ethnic Studies

Liberated Ethnic Studies dictates a narrow, politicized ideology, divides students into powerful oppressors and disempowered victims, and elevates violent role models. Much of this content comes from the state-rejected ESMC drafts.

The following outlines key harmful aspects of Liberated Ethnic Studies. Click on the text below to read specific examples.

In colleges, Liberated Ethnic Studies is an openly politicized subject – one that Liberated activists explicitly state is rooted in specific politics and activism. This is why the ESMC draws the important distinction:

“At the college and university level, Ethnic Studies and related courses are sometimes taught from a specific political point of view. In K–12 education, it is imperative that students are exposed to multiple perspectives, taught to think critically, and form their own opinions.”

—Ethnic Studies Model Curricula

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Please contact us for any questions, a sample for the full Constructive Ethnic Studies Curriculum, or to discuss professional development opportunities. 

A diverse, nonpartisan coalition working to remove narrow ideological agendas from Ethnic Studies, enabling curricula that inspire mutual respect, fight racism, and celebrate ethnic accomplishments.

Alliance for Constructive Ethnic Studies ©2024